15 Best Drawing Materials for Beginners
Getting started drawing is easy; all you need is a pencil and some paper. But once you start taking things more seriously, you’ll find that you need more paint materials.
Even as a beginner, having the best and necessary painting materials will help your artistic journey.
15 Best Drawing Materials for Beginners (https://bit.ly/45dXQT2) – Tweet Now!
So when you start drawing, it’s only natural to think: what do I need?
It all depends on the medium you want to learn and use. A set of graphite pencils, a sketchbook, an eraser, and a sharpener will suffice. However, other mediums require other supplies and even different types of canvas.
To make things easier for you, here is a list of all the materials you may need to start your journey in whatever medium you want:
- Drawing pencil;
- Colored pencils;
- Eraser;
- Pencil sharpener;
- Sketchbook;
- Paper Pad;
- Ink pen;
- Mark;
- Acrylic/gouache paint;
- Watercolor paints;
- Art canvas;
- Oil paint brushes;
- Palette;
- Pencil case/pencil case;
- Install drawing gloves.
Of course, you don’t need to get all of these right away. Focus on the medium you want to learn and buy the necessary supplies to get started!
We’ll take a look at the materials listed and some suggestions to make your life easier.
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1) High-quality drawing pencils

Whether sketching or polishing finished drawings, graphite pencils are a must. There are many options for you to choose from.
Depending on the type of drawing you’re doing, using a harder or softer pencil can make a big difference.
For example, a harder pencil is best for more technical drawings, such as blueprints or drawings with very fine details.
However, if you’re drawing portraits, landscapes, or anything that requires shading, a softer pencil is your best choice.
As a beginner, the best advice we can give you is to buy a pack first. I’m a big fan of the Stadler 12-Pack, which comes with 12 graphite pencils ranging in size from 6B to 4H.
Stadt House 12 Pencils
The first is the softest pencil, the latter is the hardest!
Also, another good option is the Derwent Drawing Pencils; also in a pack of 12, but the pencils are relatively soft.
Both packs come with a metal case to keep your pencils organized and safe.
Pencil, one of the most important drawing materials!
There can never be too many pencils!
Once you become more experienced, you’ll find that some pencils feel better than others. When that happens, as soon as you run out of those particular graphite pencils, you can start buying them!
For example, colors between HB and 2B are suitable for general drawing. With these, you can draw crisp, detailed lines and add some shading to your drawings.
On Amazon you can find HB and 2B pencils in boxes of 12. But of course, every artist has their own preferences.
Start by buying a set and try out a few graphite pencils. Once you know what you like to use, you can buy specific grades of pencils!
2) Colored pencils

If you are an artist or interested in art and drawing, colored pencils are a must have in your home.
These are great because you can use them for a variety of purposes:
Create beautiful and colorful works of art;
Use them to fill a coloring book;
sketch or doodle;
Mix in a little water and now you have a watercolor painting!
There are many bags lying around that contain different numbers of colored pencils. It is best to bring a large case, as colored pencils do not mix colors easily.
Something like the Faber-Castell Classic is a good choice. It comes with 48 pencils in assorted colors to give you the perfect assortment of colors.
Faber-Castell Classic 48 Colored Pencils
The disadvantage of colored pencils is that they are not easy to erase. You might be able to wipe off a small amount of paint, but you’ll probably ruin your paper before that happens.
Prismacolor Col-Erase is a very popular brand among many traditional artists and animators. You can easily find these on Amazon or an art store; they are specially made so they can be easily erased.
This is useful if you want to make illustrations using ink pens and markers but want to sketch first.
If you want to test it out first, you can buy a box of 24 Prismacolor Col-Erase pencils. You can test them and use them for general shading.
On the other hand, if you just want a colored pencil for sketching, you can choose a specific color.
I love sketching with red pencils, and on Amazon you can find a box of 12 Col-Erase red pencils!
There are more colors to choose from, so you can choose the color that feels best.
This brand tends to be more expensive. Pencils, however, have a long lifespan, and their erasable feature is handy.
Finally, as mentioned above, some colored pencils are water soluble.
This means you can use them to color any of your drawings. Then, with a paintbrush and some water, turn that painting into a watercolor!
Let’s say you’re a beginner artist and curious about watercolor painting. In this case, it’s a great way to start, especially if you’re not used to mixing colors and using brushes.
First, you get the familiar feel of a pencil, then you can test your drawing skills with a paintbrush and a little water!
I love Caran d’Ache colored pencils because I have been using them for years! The set comes with 40 pencils, but smaller sets are also available.
Caran d’ache colored pencils set of 40
These are great if you just want to experiment with watercolor pencils. However, the more colors, the more variety, and the more choices!
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3) Eraser

While I feel like we should leave our mistakes in our drawing and fix them in another illustration, depending on your work an eraser is still necessary.
If you’re just drawing or doodling for fun, I recommend not carrying an eraser with you and just letting yourself make as many mistakes as possible.
This is a great way to remember your mistakes so you can learn and do it differently next time.
Having an eraser by your side also makes you feel obligated to draw perfect drawings without any misplaced lines. It’s okay to be messy, so make it a regular occurrence!
However, certain pieces do require an eraser. You can use the standard white eraser for very simple drawings and for minor revisions.
It’s always a good choice if you have nothing else in the house. A word of warning though: these are very hard and have been known to actually ruin paper when used to erase large areas.
I highly recommend the MILAN Crumble Eraser when you want to erase or soften a pencil sketch to draw on it later.
I have been using these for a long time. They’re soft enough, but also precise and easy to grip.
Another thing you can do with the eraser is soften some of the shadows on your drawing, and even use it to add highlights!
A normal eraser isn’t much use for this, since most of the time you won’t get the shape right. Since they are very thick, you cannot use them for smaller details.
For this reason, I highly recommend using a kneading eraser for any artist working with traditional mediums. You can buy a 3-pack of Prismacolor Kneading Erasers on Amazon and they will last you for years!
prismacolor design kneading erasers, pack of 3
These erasers are made of flexible material, you can shape them into any shape you want.
Since they absorb the pigment, they won’t leave any litter or stain your paper.
We have an article on kneading erasers, including how to make your own if you want, so if you want to learn more about them, take a look!
If you want to use graphite, colored pencils, markers, and ink pens, having at least one regular and kneaded eraser at home can be very useful.
They’re also very affordable and last a long time, so really, there’s nothing to lose here.
4) Pencil sharpener

If you want to use a pencil, you’re going to need a pencil sharpener sooner or later. Even if you use them lightly, graphite is constantly being used and consumed.
Depending on what you do, you may want your pencil to be pointy and sharp.
For example, you’ll notice that softer pencils need to be sharpened more often than harder pencils.
A regular sharpener will do the job, although I prefer metal sharpeners. They tend to be more durable, and I find them sharper.
However, these sharpeners require multiple trips into the trash. Therefore, I recommend buying a knife sharpener with a case!
This Staedler pencil sharpener is a perfect example! It has two holes, one for regular pencils and the other for large pencils.
Stadler metal double-ended pencil sharpener
Not only that, but it also has a large bin to store all the junk. When full, you can dump it in the trash.
Because of its size, it’s the kind of sharpener you keep on your desk at home. If you want to paint on the go and like travel lights, the plain ones are good enough.
Pencil sharpeners are usually inexpensive and durable, so it’s a good idea to have two versions!
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5) Sketchbook

A sketchbook is a must for any artist. Not only draw on it, but also write down thoughts and other important notes.
You don’t need to take advantage of it every day. It also doesn’t need to be a clean, organized place.
Personally, I consider most sketchbooks to be a journal as much as a place to draw.
Thoughts, ideas, things you learned, etc. These may or may not be related to art. It’s all up to you!
For this reason, I think it’s good to have more than one sketchbook: a smaller one to carry around and a larger one to keep at home.
I like small sketchbooks between A6 and A5 size. These fit easily in your bag or even in a large pocket.
Sketchbook, essential drawing material for beginners!
You can never have too many sketchbooks!
This ALIMITOPIA Spiral Notebook is perfect for quick sketches and notes. The pages are not too thick, so pencils and pens work better.
These small notebooks are spiral bound, but if that’s not your thing, this A5 blank notebook is another great option.
Slightly larger than the previous one, and without the spiral. Other than that, the paper is very similar!
Now, for more detailed studies, maybe even illustrations and color tests, larger, thicker paper works best.
For that, the Arteza Mixed Media Sketchbook is a great choice. Again, spiral bound, with two sketchbooks included in the package. The pages are a bit thicker, 180gsm.
You can test some paint or markers on it. However, ink may bleed to the other side of the page.
As such, these are more suitable for sketching and general studies rather than creating actual paintings.
Likewise, if spiral bound sketchbooks aren’t your thing, the Arteza Art Sketchbook is another great option. It has a square format, making it a different and interesting canvas!
Atesa Art Sketchbook
They’re not very easy to carry around unless you have a larger bag or backpack.
Generally, I like to keep these sketchbooks at home and keep a smaller sketchbook handy for any quick scribbles or ideas I might have!
6) Paper Pad

Sketchbooks are used for new experiences, learning and warming up. You can also use them to thumbnail different compositions and ideas for new illustrations.
However, when you want to paint the final version, you will need a good quality canvas made of suitable paper.
Depending on your media, you’ll want paper that can hold different weights and thicknesses.
For example, if you want to use pencils, charcoal, ink pens or even markers, this Canson Artist Mixed Media Pad is a great choice.
Canson Artist Mixed Media Pad
The paper is thick enough not to allow ink to bleed to the other side.
For wet media like acrylic paints and watercolors, the Strathmore Paper 300 series is a better choice.
Its thickness allows you to apply paint without wrinkling or damaging the paper due to liquids.
It’s also a good idea to use the thickest possible paper if you plan on framing, gifting, or even selling your art.
This way, it is very difficult to accidentally fold or bend the paper. Not only that, but it’s better looking and more durable!
Some sticky notes even offer different paper textures. Some textures work better with some media than others.
However, it’s best to experiment with different types of paper to get a better feel and which one looks better in your work.
In general, papers suitable for wet media tend to be more textured to absorb paint better. But even so, there are still a variety of papers to choose from.
Some stores even sell sheets of paper, so you can always pick up different styles, try them out, and see what you like.
Once you know what works for you, buy the pads accordingly!
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7) Ink Pen

If you enjoy working with line art, you probably enjoy using ink pens. There are many different nib sizes and shapes: from fine nibs for precise lines to brush nibs for creating more general lines.
Using pens and markers is an excellent way to experiment with less forgiving mediums like pencils. Here, you cannot easily eliminate errors, although you can cover them up.
However, your movements are similar to those with a pencil!
Since there are so many products to choose from and you don’t know which one you like to use the most at first, I recommend the Sakura Pigma Micron 6 Set or the STAEDTLER Pigment Set 6 pcs.
Sakura Pigma Micron Ink Pen Set of 6
The first set contains a variety of fine eyeliners from 005 to 08. This way, you can try 6 different nib sizes.
Like Sakura, Stadler’s packaging also focuses on exquisite eyeliners in various sizes.
It feels a bit different to handle though, I personally prefer Sakura Pigmas.
Having said that, if you have a choice, be sure to try both brands.
Both are beginner-friendly and great for figuring out what you like best.
For example, I like to use the Sakura Micron 03 and 08 and always have spares at home.
So once you figure out what you like to use, you can buy a specific amount instead of buying the whole pack again.
It’s also worth mentioning that Sakura Pigma offers a great range of eyeliners and brushes, not just in black, but in different colours!
Finally, as a little extra, a handy tool that you can have when using an ink pen is a white gel pen.
These are great for creating highlights in your drawings, but even better, you can use them to cover up any mistakes you might make.
By accident, you might draw a line that is too long or in the wrong direction. While not perfect, you can use a white gel pen to cover up the error.
The Sakura Classic Gel Roll White Pen is perfect for this purpose. This is a 6 pack and comes in 3 different spot sizes, so it will take a while to use up.
Sakura Classic Jelly Roll White Pen
Another thing you can try with white gel pens is drawing on dark paper! It always produces exciting results.
Use some ink pens to practice and get better lines.
8) Marker

You can create beautiful pictures with only ink pens. However, a great addition is to use markers.
You can use them to color line art or use markers to create vibrant illustrations.
Each medium can be used in different ways and you can mix them together!
There are many different types of tags, so I’ll give you two different suggestions here:
Ohuhu Honolulu Markers – Pack of 48 colorful markers, along with 1 blender and a case. Each marker has two points: a brush and a chisel. You can use one side or the other depending on your needs.
ohuhu alcohol coloring markers
These Ohuhu markers are based on alcohol, which means they are easier to mix with each other. However, it is difficult to dilute colors, mix them, or use a brush to achieve a more painterly effect.
Ohuhu offers a variety of wrappers and markers. Different color schemes, tips and bases (alcohol or water).
Ecoline Brushes – This comes in a pack of 10 and comes in assorted colors. Ecoline Brush pens are water-based. If you want, you can mix them with water to create even more painting artwork!
Since they’re water-based, these markers don’t mix well, and can even ruin your paper if you mix too much.
Depending on your goals, you’ll choose a water-based or alcohol-based marker.
Alcohol-based markers are the way to go if you want to create more vibrant drawings and blend different colors together.
On the other hand, if you prefer a softer look, freedom to dilute colors, and a more painterly look, then water-based is the safest bet.
Both features are great and fun to use. You can try one now and try the other later.
I have both water-based markers and alcohol-based markers at home. I use them depending on my mood and how I want my painting to look.
Both have their own quirks and tricks. It’s easy to get started, but you can learn a lot from it!
9) Acrylic and gouache paint

When it comes to painting, acrylic and gouache are the best places to start. Generally, they’re all water-based, so they’re easy to dilute and mix together.
Since water is enough, you don’t need any other specific products to mix or clean them. Not only that, but if for some reason you or your clothes get paint, it’s easy to clean too!
You can start with any of them. Gouache tends to be less expensive; however, the tubes are smaller. Even if diluted with water, the paint will wear out faster.
Not only that, but gouache works best on surfaces like paper or canvas.
When I first started, I thought the best thing to do was to buy an extensive kit, such as this ARTEZA gouache. It is available in 60 colors.
Arteza water-based gouache
You can go for a kit with fewer colors if you want, but generally it’s good to have assortment so you don’t have to mix the colors you want.
This is something you should learn at some point, but understanding how paint works and practicing with a brush is already a challenge.
Get familiar with the medium first, then learn more about it, including mixing. Plus, having a variety of colors gives you the freedom to paint whatever you want.
Acrylic and gouache paints are great test painting materials.
Try gouache and acrylic! These are fun painting materials.
Once you know your favorite color and run out, you can start shopping for individual tubes.
As for acrylic paint, it tends to be sold in larger containers so the paint lasts longer.
You can even buy a can if you want!
I think acrylic paint deserves a mention because you can use it on a variety of surfaces: paper, canvas, wood, and even some ceramics.
Again, first, I recommend getting an acrylic paint set, such as the WEISBRANDT Ultra Color Arts & Crafts Acrylic Paint Kit. It has 18 containers.
These are enough to get you familiar with acrylics, and the paint will last you a while.
As with gouache paints, you can find them in larger or smaller sets. Start with a ton of colors, try them out, and once you know what you like, buy the color you want!
There are so many things you can do with paint, so it can be fun to experiment with different techniques.
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10) Watercolor paint

Watercolor is a popular medium. Also, the paint is diluted in water, so you don’t need any other specific products to mix or clean.
The paint is very watery, making the painting look very soft and calm.
While it’s a delightful medium, it’s not as easy as it seems. It does take some trial and error, maybe some tutorials, and a lot of practice.
Keeping color numbers in balance is more complicated than it seems.
So when you’re starting something new that you’re not sure you’ll continue, start by buying cheaper materials.
Watercolors tend to be a bit more expensive than the other mediums we mentioned.
First, you can use this 48-piece set of watercolor paints. It even comes with 3 brushes and a palette so all you need is a sheet of paper and you’re ready to go.
Of course, the quality won’t be the best you can find. However, it’s enough for you to get a feel for the medium and decide if you want to put in more effort and practice.
Once you have more experience with watercolors, you can move on to more professional, higher quality stuff like this Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Paint.
Winsor Newton Cotman Watercolor Paints
This is a set of 24 paints in a box, and it also comes with a small brush that you can mix your colors in the box. I’m a big fan of this brand and the good thing about this set is that it’s very portable.
You can take a small watercolor sketchbook, this set and a small container of water and start painting anywhere!
Or, another way to experiment with watercolors before you start actually painting is to use water-soluble colored pencils, such as the Caran d’Ache pencils mentioned above.
11) Art Canvas

You can paint on many different surfaces. Paper is the easiest to get and get started with because you can create beautiful things with simple printer paper. It’s not the best, but it works!
However, if you like to paint, it might be fun to experiment with an art canvas at some point. This is a more textured canvas and lasts longer.
Since it is made of different materials, you don’t have to worry about damaging it by mistake due to wet materials like acrylic.
However, using canvas seems a bit scary as it has a very different feel and is not easy to fix if something goes wrong.
So, I recommend using a smaller canvas. Start small, with simple drawings, and grow from there. You’ll find many different sizes and you can even buy them as a set.
For example, this GOTIDEAL Stretched Canvas has several canvases of different sizes. I would say stockpile the larger ones first and start with the smaller ones.
Gotiedeal Stretch Canvas Primer
Once you feel more confident experimenting with larger surfaces, you’ve got the canvas you need!
Also, there is more than one type of canvas. The example shown above is the most commonly used, but since it has some volume, the transition from paper to canvas can be weird.
The format also requires an easel, such as the one on amazon or any other support.
If it feels too hard, you can start with a canvas board! In fact, these are my favorite to use since I’m not that experienced in painting and they’re easier to work with.
Likewise, you can buy kits, like these Artlicious Canvas for Painting, where you choose the size you feel comfortable with and buy a pack.
I like to use small square canvas panels, but try different sizes, experiment and see what you like!
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12) Brushes

If you want to paint, whether it’s watercolor, acrylic, or any other paint, you need some brushes!
These brushes are readily available, and these days, you can find good quality brushes for a good price.
The type of brush you use depends on the job you’re doing. Still, I recommend buying a set of multiple brushes to start with.
That way, you’ll have a variety of brush sizes and techniques to try and see the difference.
This paint brush set is an excellent choice because it comes with several different brushes with different styles of tips: round, flat, and pointed.
Watercolor Brush Sets for Professional Artists
Smaller tips, for example, are great for working with small details.
Of course, you probably don’t need a huge variety of brushes when you know what you like to use, but it’s still nice to have them if you do.
Paintbrushes, another very useful art material and supply
Paint brushes with… well, paint!
When you feel that a particular brush is being overused and needs to be replaced, all you have to do is find the same number and tip and buy a replacement.
Now, while you can use regular watercolor brushes, I recommend trying water brushes like the Pentel Water Brushes.
These brushes have an empty container to hold water. Then press down on the container and the water will soak the tip of the brush.
Depending on how long you press the container, you will add more or less water. This way, you can better control your water usage!
It’s also helpful if you want to draw on the go. You don’t need to carry a water container and set everything up, just use this brush and you’re ready to paint.
13) Palette

Even if you don’t plan on mixing colors in the first place, you still need somewhere to put the paint you’re using.
Both acrylic and gouache can be diluted with water, making them easier to spread on canvas.
For this, the color palette will play an important role. You can get it in many sizes and styles. The simplest is this Hulameda paint tray, which has circular sections for each color.
photo of painting palette
They are very durable if handled properly. But over time, palettes can become too dirty or stained to wash. The set comes with 12 pieces so you can change easily.
Having multiple palettes can be very handy if you want to use one palette for each medium, or even if you work with multiple colors.
Now, if you prefer a flatter, larger surface that makes it easier to mix colors, then this 3-pack acrylic paint palette might be more for you.
It comes with 3 different palettes in different sizes and even formats, so you can find the one that suits you better!
In a pinch, or if you don’t plan on drawing very often or just testing the waters, plastic sheets like those used at parties will do just fine!
They have a nice large surface to mix paint and are washable. Once the dish gets too dirty, throw it away and use another.
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14) Pencil case for storing supplies

Now that you have everything you need to start painting, a place to store all your tools and materials will come in handy.
All the supplies in my house are divided into boxes, bins and bags. Some things are bigger than others and require more space or different storage conditions.
Prepare a small box to store your painting materials and supplies
A simple small case is sufficient for smaller items such as pencils, erasers, sharpeners, and even some pens and other smaller hand tools.
ANGOOBABY Small Pencil Case is a great example! Big enough to hold all of these various supplies, and there’s even a variety of colors to choose from.
angobaby small pencil case organizer
Most marker sets now come with a pouch or case. Sooner or later, however, you buy a different color or marker and find that you run out.
Or maybe you have too many supplies right now and a small bag just isn’t enough. Then something like the HVOMO pencil case might be a good choice.
hvomo capacity portable pencil case
This is a very large bag, perfect for markers. It also comes with an extra compartment if you want to store your most used pens, markers or pencils!
Finally, even if you can keep paintbrushes in a mug or case, they can be easily damaged by accident. Not only that, but they’re not very portable.
If you want a safer, more portable place to keep your brushes, then this brush holder is perfect! It is very compact and there is a separate pocket for each brush.
There are larger or smaller stands around depending on how much space you need, but this one already holds 22 brushes, which is more than enough.
This holder is also great for storing some markers or ink pens if you want to keep a specific variety with you or keep your most used supplies in different places!
15) Drawing Gloves

Drawing gloves are most often used with a drawing tablet. Most drawing tablets these days even come with gloves to avoid getting dirty while drawing.
However, I’ve found these to be very useful when traditionally painting or painting. As you paint, your hands will move across the canvas.
Sooner or later, that same hand will touch graphite, paint, charcoal, or whatever medium you’re working with.
When this happens, you may smudge the paper with your hands. It’s normal for this to happen, even if you already have experience.
Sometimes we are so focused on what we are doing that we forget where our hands are.
Drawing gloves can avoid some smudges. Especially when it comes to drying media like graphite and charcoal.
Another great advantage is that you won’t get your hands dirty!
These drawing gloves are very affordable and last a long time. One of my favorites is the Huion Cura CR-01. It is very comfortable and soft to use.
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